Thinking of Christmas Already...?

If you are thinking about having your child join Grace Martial Arts at Calvary Chapel Sarasota, we ask that you join in January as evaluations for promotions are already beginning as we close out the year. 

However, Christmas (Yes, Christmas!) is coming.  So, if you  are serious about joining the martial arts class, then why not make a uniform a Christmas present for your child.  It's needed for the class anyway.  Here are some sizes and prices for the uniforms:

Size / Approximate Height / Cost
000 / 3'5" - 3'8" / $30
00 / 3'9" - 4'0" / $30
0 / 4'1" - 4'4" / $35
1 / 4'5" - 4'8" / $35
2 / 4'9" - 5'0" / $35
3 / 5'1" - 5'4" / $40
4 / 5'5" - 5'8" / $40
5 / 5'9" - 6'0" / $40
6 / 6'1" - 6'4" / $40

Also, the uniform shirt is an additional $15.  So, if you are considering the class, then put a smile on your child this Christmas with an investment that will pour out dividends for years to come (at least through May!!!).

Classes at Calvary Chapel Sarasota are on Thursday afternoons through the school year.

For more information, contact Bob Xavier ("Mr. Bob") at (941) 726-5056 or